
  • Archiwum - 1(9)/2015 ISSN 2391-5137

    Współczesne badania, problemy i analizy językoznawcze
    Językoznawstwo nr 9 rok 2015 ISSN 1897-0389

    Spis treści


    Edward Breza

    Epitety i wyrażenia dotyczące Matki Bożej z „Godzinek o Niepokalanym Poczęciu NM Panny”

    Adam Dombrowski

    Nazwy wrocławskich restauracji jako przykład urbochrematomimów – analiza semantyczna

    Sylwia Motyl

    Syntaktischer Vergleich der polnischen und deutschen Phraseologismen im Bereich der Gefuhle


    Ewa Ciesielska

    Odchylenia od norm ortograficznych w dyktandach konkursowych uczniów klas III szkoły podstawowej

    Iwona Gryz

    Praca z uczniem dyslektycznym na lekcjach języka obcego


    Zdzisława Staszewska

    Wystrój i wnętrze kościoła w wypowiedziach mieszkańców wsi

    Łukasz Zarzycki

    Dialekt Cockney – jego charakterystyka i wpływ na dzisiejszy język angielski


    Joanna Satoła-Staśkowiak

    Ekskluzywny wywiad czy wywiad na wyłączność? - krótko o nowej semantyczno-leksykalnej adaptacji leksemu "ekskluzywny" w języku polskim


    Izabela Kuśnierek

    Językowe wyznaczniki przepisu kulinarnego jako gatunku wypowiedzi

    Jolanta Kuźnik

    Językowe wyznaczniki eseju jako gatunku wypowiedzi

    Grzegorz Majkowski

    O językowych wykładnikach dialogowości w publicystyce prasowej z okresu I wojny światowej (na materiale „Gońca Częstochowskiego”)

    Marcin Stachurski

    Językowy obraz świata w kolażach Herty Muller

    Marta Wybraniec

    Dyskurs baletowy – postępowanie przygotowawcze

    Hanna Żełubowska

    Ugoda jako gatunek tekstu urzędowego


    Joanna Satoła-Staśkowiak

    Mirosław Bańko, Maciej Czeszewski, Jan Burzyński, Najnowsze słownictwo polskie, Obserwatorium Językowe Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa:

    Table of contents

    Grzegorz Majkowski Introduction


    Edward Breza, Epithets and expressions concerning Our Lady from „Hours about the Immaculate Conception Our Lady”

    Adam Dombrowski, Names of restaurants in Wroclaw as an example of urbochrematonims – the semantic analysis

    Sylwia Motyl, The syntactic comparison between Polish and German phraseologisms regarding feelings


    Ewa Ciesielska, Deviations from orthographic standards in dictations of competitive pupils of classes of III primary school

    Iwona Gryz, The work with the dyslectic pupil on lessons of the foreign language     


    Zdzisława Staszewska, Interior decorations and the interior of the church in statements of countrymen

    Łukasz Zarzycki, The dialect Cockney - his characteristics and the influence on today's English


    Joanna Satoła-Staśkowiak An Exclusive Interview with Sole Rights to It – Briefly on a New Semantic-Lexical Adapatation of a Lexeme ‘Exclusive’ in the Polish Language


    Izabela Kuśnierek, Lingual determinants of the culinary regulation as the species of the statement

    Jolanta Kuźnik, Lingual determinants of the essay as the species of the statement

    Grzegorz Majkowski, About lingual exponents of dialogueness in the press journalism from the period of the First World War (on material of the “Goniec Częstochowski”)

    Marcin Stachurski, Linguistic picture of the world in Herta Müller’s collages

    Marta Wybraniec, Discourse ballet - preparatory procedure

    Hanna Żełubowska, Settlement agreement as an official text


    Joanna Satoła-Staśkowiak

    Mirosław Bańko, Maciej Czeszewski, Jan Burzyński, The Newest Polish Lexis, Language Observatory of Warsaw University.


    Edward Breza
    Epithets and expressions concerning Our Lady from „Hours about the Immaculate Conception Our Lady”

    In the article one presented epithets and expressions concerning Our Lady from „Hours about the Immaculate Conception Our Lady”. A base of the selection of passwords is the hymn-book „Adoration, my soul, Lord. The hymn-book” in the system of Felix Bączkowski (Warsaw 1956 Pax). In „Hours” Epithets appear, expressions appearing in „Hours” are for example Ark of the Covenant (Arka Przymierza), the paradisiacal Gate (Brama rajska), Portes drowning (Port tonących), the Sweet Guardian (Słodka Opiekunka). Used by saints, theologians and Christian writers epithets Our Lady not all entered „Hours”. In the text they do not appear: altare ‘the altar’ (Saint Ambrose); domum sapientiae ‘the House Sapiential’ (St. Jerome), hortus Patris ‘the garden of Father/Paternal’ (Chrysippus, the monk with V century), terra Domini Benedicta Your ‘earth blessed’ (Younger Arnobius, the African monk with V century). The today's reader and the participant of the service of Hours which more and more often fade in many parishes, is charmed a knowledge of the Bible by old authors and harkings back to inspired verses and with figurative senses.

    Keywords: epithet, expression, Our Lady, Godzinki o Niepokalanym Poczęciu NMPanny, Hours about the Immaculate Conception Our Lady

    Adam Dombrowski
    Names of restaurants in Wroclaw as an example of urbochrematonims – the semantic analysis

    The article presents lingual analysis of Wroclaw’s restaurants’ names. Among examined names (more than 100) we can find a few categories e.g. referring to served dishes, special dish of the place or localization of its. First of all these names have to invite clients to visit, but they also act of locating. Beside polish names there is a big group of foreign language names (Italian, French, American). The naming, which are counted to urbochrematonims, is a very large group of nominations, which analysis allowed to indication of naming trends, which appear in contemporary city.

    Keywords: chrematonims, name of the restaurant, urbochrematonims

    Sylwia Motyl
    The syntactic comparison between Polish and German phraseologisms regarding feelings

    In this article there are presented various aspects of the scientific research on phraseologisms, categorisation criteria as well as the types of word connections. In next part, there is stated a description of the syntactic comparison of Polish vs. German phraseologisms regarding feelings. The above mentioned comparison has been made upon the components amount and type of particular parts in sentence. The core element in phraseologisms may constitute an adjective, adverb, a noun or preposition. It may also happen that part of the sentence stated in word connection in German differs in function while compared to the Polish version, nevertheless the meaning does not change. In the article there are mentioned idioms as well, which frequently have no equivalent in compared language. In such a case, their meaning should appear in descriptive manner.

    Keywords: phraseology, idiom, proverb, adjective, preposition, noun, comparison

    Ewa Ciesielska
    Deviations from orthographic standards in dictations of competitive pupils of classes of III primary school

    In the article one fixed the attendance list of deviations from orthographic standards , at pupils of classes III which took the participation in the contest „the Master of the Orthography of the Class III” organized 9 May of the year 2011 through the Primary School No. 120 in Lodz. In the contest took part representatives of 13 Lodz primary schools, in sum 24 best pupils from the orthography. One showed deviations within the range the spelling u, ó (39 times), exchanges of literal marks of voiceless consonants on the literal mark of vibrants (22 times), the spelling total or separate (20 times), within the range the spelling ż, rz (18 times), the spelling with the small and majuscule (18 times), the spelling h, ch (11 times), leavings/of addings of letters (4 times), within the range transpositions of letters (3 times), the range of the exchange of literal marks of vibrants on the literal mark of voiceless consonants (2 times), within the range the spelling ę, ą (1 time), remaining deviations from standards (5 times). Observed high attendance of deviations within the range the spelling at, ó, h, ch, ż, rz and confirms repeatedly described phenomenon that the knowledge of orthographic rules is not matched by the correct spelling.

    Keywords: the orthography, deviations from orthographic standards, the attendance list

    Iwona Gryz
    The work with the dyslectic pupil on lessons of the foreign language

    This article deals with the subject of the application of practical solutions for working with dyslexic students in foreign language classes. At the beginning the author gives a percentage scale of defined cases of developmental dyslexia in European publications, and compares them to a survey conducted in Poland. Then, she discusses the specific difficulties that may arise in the process of teaching a foreign language to dyslexic students. Subsequently, she explains briefly the definition of developmental dyslexia listing its types and discusses the characteristics of each group. She also offers practical tips to work with the dyslexic student in foreign language classes, at both psychological and pedagogical aspects. Moreover, she introduces the Decalogue for teachers of dyslexic students, by Marta Bogdanowicz. The last issue that the author mentions is the attempt of correct assessment of dyslexic students’ work during the foreign language classes.

    Keywords: dyslexia, developmental dyslexia, dysgraphia, specific difficulties in the learning

    Zdzisława Staszewska
    Interior decorations and the interior of the church in statements of countrymen

    In the article one discussed dialectal lingual (coming from towns situated around Lodz) measures concerning of robes, liturgical vessels, interior decorations of the church. Iinvestigating the formal shape and functions semantic-stylistic of single lexemes and word-connections pays here the attention to common for discussed dialects and the common language of the name, semantic modifications and lingual processes, which surrender.

    Keywords: dialect, common language, names of vestments, names of liturgical vessels, names of interior decorations of the church, semantic modification, the lingual process

    Łukasz Zarzycki
    The dialect Cockney - his characteristics and the influence on today's English

    The present article based is on the master's thesis entitled Native speakers' perception of chosen features of Cockney of defended by me in 2009.  A principal purpose of the article is the analysis of the survey  on the subject the dialect Cockney of carried out by means of the tool placed on the portal At the turn April and May of the year 2009 native speakers were spoken for the supplement of the survey targeting the evaluation of the state of their consciousness on the subject existences of the dialect Cockney from eastern London. Before the analysis of the survey, became introduced theoretical knowledge on the subject Cockney taking into account among other things the etymology of the word Cockney, the origin of the dialect or rules of the creations Cockney Rhyming of the Slang.

    Keywords: Cockney, Cockney Rhyming the Slang, inquiry tests, the London-dialect, the sociolinguistics.

    Izabela Kuśnierek
    Lingual determinants of the culinary regulation as the species of the statement

    On this article is showed one of the most important genre of the culinary discourse like to recipe. The aim of this work is the lingual determinants of this genre. In the first part of text is point out on pragmatic aspect of genre such as: dictionary definition of recipe, sending-receiving situation, function of this genre and acts of speech politeness. Second show the structural aspects: title, ingredients, weight and volume measures, description and non-verbal aspect of recipe.

    Keywords: culinary regulation, species, lingual determinants of the culinary regulation, lexical definitions of the regulation, the sending-receiving situation, functions of the species, the lingual politeness, structural exponents, the description, the non-verbal aspect

    Jolanta Kuźnik
    Lingual determinants of the essay as the species of the statement

    The Polish word esej comes from the English word essay and means literary sketch. The author of the essay is a person from the circle of humanities who undertakes the polemic with concrete problems, issues, track of ideologies, which for some personal reasons, I want to pay attention to. The authors mostly appear in the text by using verbs in the singular first person in the past or present tense. In his narrative he or she does not forget about the reader moving from I to we in the further parts of the text. The essayist also marks the presence of the reader in the text by using personal pronouns and possessives, and by the use of various forms of address. The sender and receiver are in mutual interaction, in which the essayist’s role rests on transmission of the subjective point of view and encouragement the reader to reflection. On the other hand the receiver’s role is the critical approach and assume an attitude to the raised issues. On the other hand the receiver’s role is the critical approach and assume an attitude to the raised issues. A very important element in the structure of every press species is title, which is designed to encourage the reader to read and summarize text. These two functions can be implemented with the use of metaphors and subtitle. Using the titles authors can play different intertextual and metatextual games with the reader. Text frames are a fundamental element of the structural integrity of the species. The beginning of the speech is the introduction of the reader to the subject of the essay, which can be expressed directly or can be clear after reading the context. The ending of the essay is a summary of considerations: thesis, punch line or polemical opinion, which does not exhaust the content of the subject, leaving space for the reader's own conclusions. the essay is a genre of expression, in which the essay is clearly marked subjective approach to the addressed subject. Selected issue are accurately analyzed, and a final assessment is left for the recipient.

    Keywords: the essay, the species of the statement, the text, the textual frame, the discourse, the title, the subtitle, the sender, the recipient, the interaction, the personal pronoun, the possessive pronoun, the metaphor, the structural cohesion of the species, the thesis, the point

    Grzegorz Majkowski
    About lingual exponents of dialogueness in the press journalism from the period of the First World War (on material of the “Goniec Częstochowski”)

    In the article one discussed lingual exponents present dialoguenesses in the press journalism from the period And the world war on the example of the article we will live the anonymous author who appeared in 93. number of the Częstochowa (22.04.1916 years) „Messenger”. Among exponents of dialogueness one observed: we including, the personal pronoun we in number numerous in different random forms, our possessive pronoun. These exponents are lingual-stylish measures of dialogueness, and simultaneously exponents of the lingual persuasion and measures influencing on the emotional colouring of the text. The necessity of the persuasion of recipients to determined views conditioned of war, decided about the use these, and not other exponents. Dialogueness is in the situational context created by the war and in the context a social-cultural important centre to servants to the persuasion, „a tool in hands” of the persuasion.

    Keywords: dialogueness, lingual exponents of dialogueness, lingual-stylish measures of dialogueness, exponents of the lingual persuasion, we including, the personal pronoun we, our possessive pronoun, situational context, the context social-cultural

    Marcin Stachurski
    Linguistic picture of the world in Herta Müller’s collages

    Herta Müller is a novelist, poet and an essayist who, in 2009, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The aim of this paper is, first and foremost, to outline her life and work only to turn the readers’ attention towards her collages – the term derived from the French coller, and coined by Braque and Picasso. In the instance of Müller’s work, collage is a combination of both the text and the photograph. Indeed, the element of intermediality is very significant once one wishes to analyse her works (collages, specifically) from a holistic point of view.

    Keywords: Herta Müller, collage, (political) discourse, communication, intermediality

    Marta Wybraniec
    Discourse ballet – preparatory procedure

    While analysing a ballet discourse, spectacle should not be treated like an exact performance, but like an internally conditioned contents and patterns of definite act of artistic environment communication. What should be accentuated is its universal bonding elements i.e. libretto – show – choreography – dance. In this article I strived towards mapping out the preparatory procedures for describing the precise definition of ballet discourse. I think that bringing out the fundamental and specific values has to transpire in a moment of clarification its essence as a particular communication. Accordingly, rapprochement to achieving this goal is prerequisite to chart next research initiatives.

    Keywords: discourse, theatrical discourse, discourse ballet, text

    Hanna Żełubowska
    Settlement agreement as an official text Hanna Żełubowska

    The subject of this article is the definition of category criteria which determine the qualification of a settlement agreement as an official text. The text of the agreement is formalized and have a characteristic structure. The text of a settlement combines textual properties and instruments firmly set in the legal system. The article underlines the importance of relations between law and language and the necessity of cooperation between lawyers and linguists in the on-going research in the field of texts. The author approaches the subject of settlement agreement text from the perspective of pragma-linguistic text science, legal linguistics. The settlement agreement is a complete action language that represents the style of the official text.

    Keywords: agreement, text, style, genre, official, mediation, sender, receiver

    Joanna Satoła-Staśkowiak
    An Exclusive Interview or an Interview with Sole Rights to It- Briefly On a New Semantic-Lexical Adaptation of a Lexeme ‘Exclusive’ in the Polish Language.

    A lot of new words and expressions are appearing in the language sphere. A large part of them are borrowings from English. Adaptation of new lexemes into a language is not a new process and occurs in a diversified and multifaceted way. Some words gain immediate acceptance in the language system, others have to wait for it. There are still other words which have been in a language for a long time but have recently taken on a new meaning.

    In spite of the presence of native words describing some meanings, the already-existing words are often displaced by internationalisms which, according to many, facilitate language communication. More and more often it not the internationalization of vocabulary that is also discussed but its globalization.

    The article discusses a new semantic-lexical adaptation of a popular lexeme exclusive. The adjective under consideration appears in many press titles and has, as the examples show, not one, arising from the meaning of the English word, but different semantic tinges.

    Keywords: neosemantism, anglosemantism, internationalism, press titles.